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All therapists listed here have completed or are in the process of completing our official RO DBT training.

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Tayler Weathers, LPC - Center for Dialectical and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies

United States

Services Offered

Individual RO DBT therapy (teens and adults), RO-DBT skills classes (teens and adults). In person in San Antonio, TX. Virtual sessions available for those living in Texas, and Virginia. Specializing in depression, anxiety disorders, and working with individuals with ADHD.

Kimberly Knopf - Center for Dialectical and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies

United States

Services Offered

Individual RO DBT therapy (teens and adults). In person in San Antonio, TX and telehealth sessions within Texas.

Zack Speer - Center for Dialectical and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies

United States

Susan Kearney LCSW-S // Austin RODBT

United States

Services Offered

Adult RODBT Individual & Groups; Individual Teen RODBT Skills Sessions; Couples Coaching + Parent Coaching **RODBT Training, Consultation and Supervision Available**

Middle Path Counselling


Kimberly A Vay

United States

Emily Small, M.S.

United States

Beth Emmons

United States

Services Offered

Individual RODBT and skills classes offered for teens (14+) and adults

Sonya Couch Counseling

United States