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All therapists listed here have completed or are in the process of completing our official RO DBT training.

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Dr Arshad Siddique

Services Offered

Based in London, Dr Siddique provides psychiatric services for an array of UK and international clients. With more than 10 years experience in the NHS at consultant level, he has run inpatient and community mental health teams of working age group throughout the UK. Dr Siddique has also led inpatient and community eating disorder services as the Responsible Clinician and Consultant Psychiatrist. For more information, visit @DrArshadS

Dr. Malinder Bhullar (she/her)

Services Offered

I am a RO-DBT Intensively Trained Clinician, Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy accredited practitioner. I have extensive experience of working with complex trauma and with clinically complex cases in forensic inpatient, prison and probation settings, in the independent healthcare sector and in clinical private practice. I have a special interest in working with first responders, military veterans and active serving personnel, and those who identify as neurodivergent, neurocomplex and high-masking or camouflaging. I am offering an in-person RO-DBT skills class and individual therapy to private fee-paying adults in central Leeds. Please see the Skills Classes section or alternatively contact me for details.

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Sylvia MARTIN- Psycho.tcce

Services Offered


Cristina Arizón


Services Offered

Terapia RO DBT individual, Clases de habilidades RO DBT, Entrenamiento RO DBT (1 y 3 horas), Sesiones presenciales disponibles en Madrid

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Deniz Simsek

Services Offered

Online RO-DBT Individual and Group Sessions

Susan Mclure

Services Offered


Ekaterina Zabolotnaia

Services Offered

Radically Open DBT Individual Therapy and Skills Classes for Adults and Adolescents. RO DBT индивидуальная терапия и класс навыков на русском для взрослых и подростков. Москва, Минск, онлайн.

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Dr. Inga Karneeva

Services Offered

RO DBT Skills Class and Individual Therapy for Russian speaking adults. RO DBT класс навыков и индивидуальная терапия для взрослых и подростков на русском языке, Минск, Москва, онлайн по всему миру.

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Lena Gyllenman

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Vicente Elvira Cruañes-21438185-T

RO DBT Clinics UK

RO DBT Clinics UK - Ian Wootton

Services Offered

RO DBT Clinics UK is a specialist RO DBT provider with high levels of expertise, which ensures high quality treatment. We are a private practice partnership that was set up by Alex, Ian and Helen – two psychologists and a psychotherapist – who are all experienced RO DBT therapists who have received extensive training directly from the programme’s developer Professor Thomas R. Lynch. We have been delivering a comprehensive RO DBT programme since 2017, and we have expanded our team to include a number of intensively-trained therapists. As the first independent provider of RO DBT in the UK, we are able to meet the needs of clients who have previously struggled to benefit from other psychological therapies. The full RO DBT programme is available to anyone aged 18 or over and comprises two key components which are delivered over approximately 30 weeks: weekly individual therapy sessions, each lasting 50 minutes, and a weekly online skills training class that lasts for two hours. Whilst the full RO DBT programme is the recommended form of treatment, in some cases we may be able to provide individual sessions only or skills classes only and would be happy to discuss this as part of the assessment process. Individual RO DBT is available for those who are aged from 13 years, and a specific under-18s skills class will be coming soon.

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Kirsti Hermansen

Services Offered

Radically open dialectical therapy for adolescents